Motorcycle skills development trackday – Monday 29th July






2019 Motorcycle skills development trackday


These days are designed for riders to develop riding skills which are transferable to the road, in a safe environment, with a team of highly skilled and experienced instructors made up of serving and retired Police riders, IAM observers/examiners, RoSPA examiners etc.


The emphasis is on skills development rather than outright lap speed.


Twenty minute sessions on track, each preceded by a short classroom input.


Three separate groups with a maximum of 20 riders on track at anytime, plus instructors. Usual ratio is four riders per instructor.

Bookings are now being taken for the following:


Monday 29th July 2019 – Knockhill Racing Circuit, Fife KY12 9TF.


Track time from 1pm-5pm. Preceded by signing on and briefings.


4 x 20 minute sessions per rider.     £129


For further details email


Bookings now accepted via the website