Rennat Design’s Joe Tanner heads into his home round at Knockhill over the weekend of 30/31 July aiming to come out on top of a triple battle for him that weekend. Firstly, he’s looking to take on all comers in each of the three Quaife Mini Challenge races set to take place at Knockhill next weekend.
Secondly, with eight Scots registered for the Championship, and several likely to dip-in with wild-card entries at Knockhill; Tanner is hoping to take his Hybrid Tune powered JCW Mini across the finish line in each race ahead of his compatriots to claim those top-Scot bragging rights in and around the paddock.
And thirdly, Joe will be going head-to-head with the latest addition to the Rennat Design team, when Hannah Chapman swaps her work-clothing for her race suit to line up in direct opposition to her Boss in her very own Hybrid Tune Mini – resident Knockhill TV frontman Duncan Vincent eludes to the awkward Monday morning atmosphere after a race weekend in the video… but a week on Monday could be next level entirely.
We’ll perhaps install a hidden camera in Joe’s workshop at Knockhill just to catch all the fall-out first hand.
What isn’t in doubt, however, is that the BTCC event at Knockhill will be a thrilling spectacle for race fans and one we are all very excited about. Make sure you are here to see three pulsating BTCC races and of course some top-notch support class racing from the likes of Tanner and co.